The Value of Twitter

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

Went to an informative seminar by Julie Roads of Writing Roads this morning and, despite my familiarity with Facebook, Blogs, Myspace, and other such sites beyond the scope of the lesson, and those taking it, I was glad to learn a little bit more about Twitter and gain an understanding of why it is catching on with more force than the rest of such networking sites. I won’t bore you with the details, as there are plenty of pro-twitter propaganda sites to go around, I only intended to say that I will be getting more involved with it. I have a twitter username (maurydegeofroy) that, currently, has only one post: questioning why I signed up in the first place. Now that I have discovered why, I will be working toward integrating it more into this site (most likely as a blog widget), and expanding twitter base, or whatever it’s called, to reach and be reached by more people. Yeah. More to come.

Things to do in 2009: Be overwhelmed by the scope of other bloggers

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

My old friend Ben Goldfein has been running this blog by the name of “My Checklist” over the course of this year. It was first brought to my attention when he posted about my Monkey on the Lam top 50 tracks of 08 playlist, and in my blog-curiosity I went back to it today, and found myself amazed at how much content (and variety) was crammed into the pages.

I can aspire to be this interesting here, but also: where the hell will I find the time? Not to say that Ben isn’t a busy man, I’m certain that he is, but I feel like I am already struggling to get a daily post in as it is… dropping 20 bombs in the course of a day seems a harrowing task. Perhaps other bloggers (I’m looking at you Ben, and hoping you see that I’m dropping this link) can lead me in the right direction. How does one find enough things to write about? Granted, there is a ton of stuff happening, but I don’t want to just ape other blogs, and I don’t want to start vomitting my personal life onto the page, for a myriad of reasons. I’ve written about dreams before and the imagry is interesting in my head but tends to be dull on the page (shocker).

For the time being, I suppose I will continue to post old artwork until I have the rest of the page finished, and beyond that, we’ll see where it goes. Oh yeah, I need to get the wordpress sidebar in here somehow. God, why am I having such trouble understanding div tag positioning. /wrists

Obama Inauguration live mashup

Friday, March 13th, 2009

This is Tim Exile, whose new album “Listening Tree” is coming out on Warp Records soon, doing a live Mashup of Obama’s inauguration speech, when it aired internationally. His album is one of the most impressive things I’ve heard so far this year, combining a sort of 80s Depeche Mode synth-pop with the experimention of a Reaktor guru playing with electronic noise making tools. I love people who are classically trained and just decide to make crazy noises. Richard Devine is another one of these types of guys (with a cool website to boot).

Space Invaders

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Happy Up Here from Röyksopp on Vimeo.

boing boing is one my favorite blog based sites and I found this there a few days ago, it impressed me. It’s like Justice’s Dance video meets cloverfield but with space invaders, the 8-bit kind.
