I developed this logo with the help of several women who are friends and colleagues for the Women In Film Festival on MV. I’m not certain right now if it will be used for anything, but I’m proud of it and wanted to put it somewhere people might see it, so here it is (below are some of the variants).
It went through a lot of iterations, I won’t post all of them as some of them were scrapped for reasons that are now obvious, but I did like this version that we ended up not using:
It’s fun stuff! I’m excited to see it in print and watch the Festival grow, with any luck.
This is a cover I did awhile back for an album that never ended up getting used, because when the time finally came to release it, my laptop was busted and I didn’t have the means to recover it. I eventually was able to get into that hard drive, and I asked John’s permission to post it so it wouldn’t just be lost to the ages.
I decided to do another (maybe more to come) in this theme, as it was pretty well received in the past. The previous pieces were commissioned for The Ape Woman by May Oskan