Concert, Saturday.

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

I’ve taken on duties for some online promotion and poster design for Che’s Lounge, (redesign for their site is in the works) so this is my first poster. Hopefully many more to come:


Come to the show on saturday, and follow @cheslounge on twitter for up to the minute updates!

This one goes out to the one I love (MOTL 8/5)

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

No REM. But plenty left behind.

Shoegaze episode.


Monkey on the Lam(b) 7-29-09

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

The latest and Greatest. MOTL 7-29-09


Wolfie: Strange Ways in 4D Returns 7/29/09

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

wolfie sw4d

Listen here!


Monkey on the Lam 7-22

Sunday, July 26th, 2009

Here’s the recent Monkey on the Lam episode. It bugged out a little during “US V THEM” so that song is abridged (and that’s why I procrastinated so bad on editing the mp3 and putting it up, the rest should be intact.)

MOTL 7-22-09


Monkey on the Lam 7-15

Thursday, July 16th, 2009


Yes I know I haven’t put up last week’s yet. I did, however, make time to edit last night’s show, which I’m proud of because of the mostly-smooth transitions and near constant musical flow, something I am just starting to experiment with. Almost every song blended perfectly into the next and my interludes had background noise to take away from the complete silence of my speech.

link: here


(image stolen from some other blog)

Radio Wednesday July First

Monday, July 6th, 2009

Here’s the Monkey on the Lam(b) show from last week. There’s an extra 15 or so minutes at the beginning in which I was very awkwardly interviewed by 2 girls from Brooklyn desperately seeking men and breast implants, I was a little bit thrown because I wasn’t prepared for the mania that would ensue upon appearing at the station, but it was fun, and I hope they’ll be there very often in the future, their show is hilarious.


New Monkey on the Lam flier

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

As I am (usually) a man of my word, I followed through with the design I’d been floating in my head. Overall it came out about how I wanted it to:

(click for a larger version)

If you like, you can also download the PDF in 300 dpi at 8.5 x 11 for printing.

I’m going to see how it looks on paper tomorrow, I hope it looks okay at 8.5 x 11, otherwise I might scale it to 11 x 17 (fortunately since it’s all font work, it’s easily scalable).

The design was inspired by a combination of elements. First: Chris, another DJ, has a flier for his show with a huge list of bands he plays on it, and I had always seen it and thought “I should display that kind of information somehow!” Second: there was a recent collection of grammy awards artwork that created portraits of band members with the song titles of some of the music that influenced them. It was neat, but the colors were fruity and it used a bunch of ugly fonts that just didn’t do it for me. I took the concept and did a “portrait” of my existing logo made entirely of band names. When all was said and done, it lacked a tiny bit of cohesion without the original tracing image behind it, so i lowered the opacity way down, blurred it out a bit, and left it in the background, for the trace of the original logo, to keep it more easily recognizable.

The general rule was that my favorite bands got larger billing, but in the end that occasionally went out the window, as I found myself remembering certain bands way after the fact and putting them in as an afterthought, not really wanting to rearrange the entire composition to fit them in. Still, most of the bands I like are here, although I overlooked a massive portion of my collection. Oh yeah, and I don’t think I repeated any names, I challenge you to find any (or a typo: hint – “zeigeist” is not a typo).

One more fun fact: there are 240 artists in the image. Those were hand selected (and hand typed, phew) from over 1300 or so artists in my collection.

I’ll probably find out tomorrow that there’s some kind of program that could’ve automated this process for me. Anyway… yay for wanking off on a sunday!

MOTL 6-25-09: with Nate! With a Tribute to MJ

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Nate, my old pal who went and got married and moved to Japan, joined me the other night for Monkey on the Lam and we had a rockin time, if you missed it, listen here.

Monkey on the Lam(b) Featuring Nate Dawg June 25th 2009


Strange Wolves in June 24-D

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

aaahhhh-4d1-finalWolfie’s show from this week:

Strange Ways June 24th Edition

